Reverse Curfew Childcare Service
Reverse Curfew Childcare Service
Child care costs are at an all time high, SWAY (Street Wisdom Among Youth) Reverse Curfew child care reduces the cost of child care to a fraction of what you might pay for babysitting, whilst freeing up your time and connecting you to your community too.
All you need is one free Saturday out of every four and a love of children to get involved and we will connect you with a group of like minded parents with children of a similar age who together will help to reduce your child care costs by sharing the responsibility of caring for your children on a rota basis. You might prefer to do this on your own, in that case the Reverse Curfew Rota Card might be of interest to you instead.
In the case of children 13 and above your home will be considered a guest house for the day in case there is bad weather. Reverse Curfew will then make sure that you can rest assured that your child is looked after with our team watching over them.
How It Works
Make your application through the link on this page after which we should take no longer than 48 hours to get back to you (We will reimburse you the £18 for the DBS check if you have a receipt)
Once you have been accepted. Make your purchase on this page.
We will then connect you with a group of like minded parents.
At this stage we will introduce you to each other, let you know the start date of your Reverse Curfew and confirm the date that you will be responsible for providing a guest house for 3 - 6 other family's children around your child's age if you choose.
A venue will be allocated as each group of children's hangout in the event of bad weather, overseen by our teen aged mentors and experienced managers.
There are several benefits:
1 Gives parents 10% more time
By leveraging the power of community safely you can save a lot of time. Let's say you work 9-5 and sleep for 8 hours per night, that means over the course of 4 weeks you have about 288 hours free time most of which is taken up by looking after your children leaving little or no time for what you want to do.
By engaging Reverse Curfew you can get back 30 hours a month for each day you decide to organise on this basis assuming you decide on a 10 hour reverse curfew that's a more than 10% increase in free time.
2 Increases productivity 20% for employers
Lets say there are five employees all working 9-5pm each of them with a child around the same age who finishes school at 3pm and right now all of them leave work early to attend to this responsibility.
If they were to choose to engage Reverse Curfew each parent will then save at least two hours every day they don't have to pick up their child from school, so that's four times a week, though each parent will still have one day where they will have to pick up the other people's children from school and look after them until the agreed time. This is an increase of 8 hours productive time plus travel time, in a 40 hour work week that's an increase in productive time of 20% per person who engages reverse curfew.
3 Saves Parents 94% on their childcare
By calling on your community of parents you can save money pooling resources reducing your childcare costs to £10 a month from an average of £180 a month assuming weekly childcare requirements of 10 hours. This is a saving of 94%.
4 Children have more relatable role models
By employing teen aged mentors as well as experienced management, Reverse Curfew encourages both younger children and older children to be responsible for love or money, as younger children will want to be cool and older children will want to earn their on target bonuses for zero incidents.
5 Discourages time out at night.
As a parent you don't want your child out at night. Reverse Curfew ensures that you can get the extra time you need, without compromising on the safety of your child.
6 Encourages Gratitude
Because when a child is forced to go out of the house every weekend to socialise, collaborate and connect with other children they will always have people and things they miss about home that they will then be more grateful for.
7 Encourages productivity
When you're out of the house in a social setting many people find it easier to get work done, make connections or just have more fun, with the connectivity that Reverse Curfew provides
8 Improves community cohesion.
By connecting you with other parents who are likeminded and have their children's best interests at heart and who whilst they need some extra time to themselves love caring for children your social network expands too.
9 Encourages collaboration
We all know that some of the best ideas come to us when we collaborate. By internalizing this habit from a young age your child is more likely to have a bright future.
10 Encourages social contact
Socialising is a key part of your child's development by pushing them to do so in safe way you are giving them a better chance of a bright future as they will be better able to speak for themselves, make friends and maintain relationships in the future.
With all of these benefits, reverse curfew is sure to make your life that bit easier giving you more time and easing the weight of child care costs and making your children more adept socially.
Now you can decide how many days you want off a month and who you want to help you to start your Reverse Curfew Rota or if you prefer to pay all in one go, we have mass purchasing options available.
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